100 Things That Bug Me
- Bees
- Needles
- Words that start with the letter "i"
- Strings on banana peels
- The word "necessary"
- The word "experience"
- Losing earring backs
- When a hair band breaks
- Little bits of mechanical pencil lead that aren't good for anything
- Hang-nails
- Binder rings that don't match up
- When people draw two's all loopy like
- When erasers make the spot gray, and not white
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Silly putty
- Encyclopedias sets that divide into individual books between letters
- Headphones that go into someone's ear
- Burnt popcorn
- How there is no "b" size of batteries
- Completely white shoes
- White-out and Sharpie smells mixed together
- Cotton Candy Mike and Ikes
- Medicine pills without a smooth coating
- Pop tops breaking before the can's open
- Highwaters
- Raisins
- Dried out toothpaste on the cap
- White liquid glue
- Shopping carts with messed up wheels so they squeak a lot and don't steer well
- Pencils with broken lead but it doesn't look like it's broken so when you go to write, or draw, or something the lead breaks and you're all like "ahhh!"
- When people flagrantly exaggerate
- Pine-needles
- Elliot Erickson
- Girls shirts with super huge sleeves
- When posters get taken down but the staples/tape is left on the wall and looks all weird
- Scrunchies with weak elastic
- Basketball courts that aren't swept so the players slide a lot 'cuz their shoes slide
- Stupid, pointless assemblies
- Squatch
- When people lick their fingers when they pass out papers
- Store brand paper plates
- Ice cream scoops without the little lever or thing that pops the ice cream out
- The way shoes dry out a lot slower than other clothes
- Pennies-they're useless
- Barnacles on rocks, so you can't walk on them
- The way stereos don't have a button to repeat one song, just the whole CD
- When the aglet on a shoelace breaks and can't be re-laced
- Furbys
- When a bit of graphite gets stuck in a pencil sharpener
- Pop-ups on the internet with no close "X" button and the "close this window" button is beneath the taskbar or off the screen
- Girls pants with fade marks on the butt
- Girls pants with whiskers
- Girls pants with no back pockets
- Girls belts with strings on the end that are a mile long
- Sierra Mist-what the hell is it?
- Bits of toast in the butter
- Stupid comics in the newspaper-Dennis the Menace, Sally Forth, Family Circus
- The words "moist" and "used"
- When bicyclists ride down the middle of the road
- Having to tie hair back with a rubber band
- When you're missing one card out of a deck
- When you lose/break that plate on the back of remotes that keeps the batteries in
- Cracks in linoleum
- Ross (from Friends)
- Grease stains on the pizza box that remind me how bad the stuff I'm eating is
- Having to pour stuff from a container that doesn't have a mouth on the rim
- How you can never get the right amount of lotion, you always get too much, or not enough
- Eagle Pencils (too soft)
- French horns
- Hash browns
- When people put ketchup on their eggs
- How a syrup bottle always leaves residue on the table and the lid so you can't pick it up without getting sticky
- Tofu
- Soy milk
- Lima beans
- When people leave gum under tables and chairs
- After you cook bacon how there's like an inch of grease in the pan
- How you can never get all of the Spaghettios out of a can
- When you get worksheets and teachers leave three lines for a number answer and half-a-line for explanations.
- When you just replaced the batteries in a Cd player but when you put it in your backpack you hit on and use all the power
- Chocolate ice cream
- Pecan Sandies
- Albertson's Preferred Cards
- Those new "shake and squeeze" boxes at movie rental places
- When people cheat at Minesweeper (Evin)
- Boy bands
- Wide-ruled paper
- When singers try to make movies
- Vanilla Coke
- Saddle Shoes
- The music on Game Boy games, especially Pokémon
- When you're eating chicken nuggets and French fries and you accidentally dip the chicken nuggets in the ketchup and/or the French fries in the sweet and sour sauce
- Fake water droplets on the outside of pop cans
- Online quizzes where the results are obvious, based on the questions
- When people don't pronounce the first "r" in February
- Mac Computers
- People who straighten the deck of cards after every move in a game (Ryan Lange)
- Nutrition bars that say they taste good, but they really don't
- Mosquitoes
- When you're eating milk and cookies, and you dip the cookie into the milk but it falls in and sinks to the bottom so the milk is all gross and you have to drink it but when you finish there's a great sopping mass of was-cookie at the bottom