Random quotes: People I know a say really funny things. So I collect them. They aren't really in any specific order. I can't remember everything exactly, but um... it's the thought that counts. Yeah.
- "Babies don't make good shoes. But they do make good slippers." - Mitch
- "The bologna sandwich is perverted." - Bryan
- "'Grrr, I'm Satan and I'm going to eat your soul, but first I have to have your parents sign this,' and then they probably would and then I would have my soul eaten by Satan." - Mitch
- "She looks weird 'cuz she's all baby-filled." - Bryan
- "That's my voice in a pop can." - Erin
- "Let's defy gravity now." - Erin or Brandon, can't remember
- "Damn Cookie Monster!" - Mallory
- "You really need a tail." - Bryan
- "Oh yeah, I wanted to burn a new CD. 'Cuz mine brokeing." - Mitch
- Mitch: Hey MJ, are you watching the Academy Awards?
Me: No.
- "You think it's a table, but really...it's just your pants." - Mitch
- "That was cool. In a Megan-Johnson-didn't-die-sorta way." - Erin
- "I'll just take out my computer sized pocket." - Mitch
- "Yeah, you really need to stop drinking so much coffee, because it's obviously stunting your growth." - Bryan [to freshmen]
- Me: Conner, who do you like?
Conner: My science experiment that totally failed. [Or at least that's what it sounded like; he was talking to his dad]
- Me: Yeah, Terrace Park. That was a school of tradition.
Adam: Tradition? They had a tradition of screwing up everything possible and a few things that weren't
- Me: Mallory, your cat's cool.
Mallory: If cool means lethal!
- "We have a cheeseball!" - Evin
- Satoshi: Sensei, it was his fault!
Sensei: Ok Ritsu, more is your fault.
Ritsu: What!
Sensei: Okay, you got a 55% fault, you got a 45% fault.
- [Translated from Japanese assignment]"In summer I open." - Erik Bear
- Sensei: Hey, does anyone want to be a pharma-
Evan: I want to be a farmer!
Sensei: -cudical?
- Shawn: We'll make an army of [origami] cranes, and take over the school!
Tetsuya: That's not really how it works.
Shawn: Okay, we'll build a thousand cranes and *wish* to take over the school!
- "Your mom is easy...I would know." - Conner
- "Jolly old Saint Nickel!" - Mallory
- Me: Uh-oh. It smells like we're burning something.
Mallory: We are. Calories!
- "Saying Taco Bell is Mexican food is kind of like saying Michael Jackson's black. Technically it's true, but not really." - Shawn
- "Yeah, I got some degrees. That makes me a doctor. What's that you say? A heart-attack? I would recommend you stop the bleeding." - Mr. Graham
- "H2+O2=Exposion? Zoe, you forget the 'L'"- Me [reading Zoe's chemistry notes]
- "Don't let the Conner Perettis of the world get you down." - Mrs. Jahrman
- "If it's not black, it's whack." - Yaw
- Mrs. Thomas: Where in the world is a nucleus made?
Yaw: Russia?
- "That bell gets my hopes up and crushes them like an ant!"- Zoe and Mallory
- "Here's a dollar, go buy pretty."- Ericka
- "No! Jesus is not an option!"- Evin